
About Me

Hi! I’m Hannah, a 25-year-old from Ottawa, Ontario. I started blogging about a year ago when I started going to school. Writing was a way to escape from my busy, stressful life. I grew a passion for blogging and design early on and became obsessed with sharing my experiences in hopes I could inspire or help anyone willing to listen!

Blog Posts

College Wasn’t For Me

For anyone who doesn't know, I attended the Mobile Application Design and Development program at Algonquin College in 2022…

Staying In a Treehouse

2021 was the year everyone thought things would go back to normal when lockdowns would be lifted. That couldn’t be further…

We Went To Koena Spa!

Koena Spa is located in Gatineau, Quebec, only a 10-minute drive from Ottawa. The spa is a Nordik experience with a Hawaiian atmosphere…

A comfort zone is a great place, but nothing ever grows there

Gina Milicia
